You might be wondering how you can better analysis statistics about your audience and use that information to better your engagement.

First, let’s talk about why you would want to analyze your audience. People usually invest time and money into something if it connects with them on a personal level. If you’re an artist and your job revolve around graphic design, which are you more likely to buy, the Apple ads that specifically target people like you or PC that targets businesses?

The answer should be obvious.

The reason you want to learn more about your audience is so you can make that connection and start to adjust your advertising, content, and marketing strategies towards your audience.

So how do you accomplish that?

Tools to Use for Audience Analysis

There are many free tools you can use to see the audience analysis data you need. The first thing you should look into is Google Analytics.

Audience Analysis

In fact, Google Analytics has an entire section dedicated to user behavior that you’ll use to your advantage.

Another audience analysis tool you should use for free is Facebook Insights. This tool allows you to assess your posts and how well they fared. This tool allows you to see the amount of likes, emotions, clicks, and negative reactions that each post received. You should use this data to ditch what doesn’t work and use what does.

Audience Analysis

Audience Analysis

You should also try to engage with your users through feedback on the comments they leave you and liking relevant posts as well.

Surveys are another great way to get free customer feedback for audience analysis. There are multiple sites available to help you create your own surveys, SurveyMonkey, PollDaddy, Typeform, to name a few.

The last thing you should do is gather all the comments from social media and your website and see which items get brought up the most.

This can help you fix major issues that prevent new customers from joining your fan base. When you do fix issues like this, it’s best to reply to these comments saying that you’ve listed to your fans and have made the following changes. This keeps them engaged and shows them you’re a company that cares for your customers.

Audience analysis isn’t something that you buy a tool for and expect a quick solution. You need to spend time and ensure you’re keeping pace with their needs and expectations.

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